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Session 2: Health and Society

Cristina Moscatiello, Fang Liu

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    Length: 00:59:04
Paper 29 Sep 2020

Adaptive Group Testing Models for Infection Detection of COVID-19Zizhan Tang (Beijing 101 High School, China)A Pandemic-specific ‘Emergency Essentials Kit’ for Children in the Migrant BoP communitiesAnaghaa Chakrapani (Avantika University, India); Tarun Kumar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India & University of Florida, USA); Sanjana Shivakumar (Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India); Rahul Bhaumik (PES University, India); Kriti Bhalla (Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India); Sunny Prajapati (Indian Institute of Science, India)iFeliz: An Approach to Control Stress in the Midst of the Global Pandemic and Beyond for Smart Cities using the IoMTLaavanya Rachakonda and Saraju P Mohanty (University of North Texas, USA); Elias Kougianos (Universtiy of North Texas, USA)iMirror: A Smart Mirror for Stress Detection in IoMT Framework for Advancements in Smart CitiesLaavanya Rachakonda, Prithvi Rajkumar and Saraju P Mohanty (University of North Texas, USA); Elias Kougianos (Universtiy of North Texas, USA)Internet of Things (IoT) Privacy-Protected, Fall-Detection System for the Elderly Using the Radar Sensors and Deep LearningEuclides L Chuma (University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Brazil); Yuzo Iano and Leonardo Bravo Roger (UNICAMP, Brazil); Diego Pajuelo (Unicamp, Brazil); Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira (UNICAMP & FEEC/DECOM/LCV, Brazil)Understanding Twitter Telehealth Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic using Hetero-Functional Graph TheoryChun Lun Lit (Dartmouth College, USA); Inas S. Khayal (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA)

Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Cities Conferences

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