Slides for Webinar: Storage as a Transmission Asset in PJM presented by Amanda Long and Christina Catalano
Amanda Long, Christina Catalano
Sponsoring Society
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Pages/Slides: 28
Currently batteries in PJM participate in the regulation market as a generation asset, but a number of projects have been proposed that offer the opportunity for batteries to participate as transmission assets. A cross-divisional team at PJM is evaluating the past, present, and future use of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) as a solution to transmission congestion or reliability upgrades. This presentation will discuss considerations for PJM?s cross-functional strategy to model, analyze, and approve energy storage devices as transmission solutions. It will touch on recommendations that span PJM?s Markets, Operations, and Planning divisions.
Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Grid Webinar Series