October -Climate-change Caused Blackouts - The Role of Smart Grid Applications
Hao Zhu and Robert Hebner, Soham Ghosh, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Swochchhanda Shrestha, and Rabab Haider, Hossam Gaber
Sponsoring Society
IEEE Members: $15.00
Non-members: $30.00Pages/Slides: 25
An issue of the Smart Grid eNewsletter on Climate-change Caused Blackouts - The Role of Smart Grid Applications featuring "Grid-edge resources can be resiliency game changer," "Ensuring Energy Security: The Role of Smart-Grid in Climate-Change Adaptation," "FERC Order 2222 – What does it mean for DERs?" and "Smart Energy and Transitioning of Community Infrastructures and Applications"
Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Grid Newsletters