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Microgrids: Utility Challenges and Opportunities

Sub-Committee on MicroGrids Whitepaper under IEEE Smart Grid Technical Activities Committee

  • Sponsoring Society
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $45.00
    Non-members: $70.00
    Pages/Slides: 55 pages
21 Jan 2022

The wide spread penetration of DERs across the transmission and distribution system along with recent developments in storage technologies, microgrids have emerged as one of the key domains in smart grid when we talk about system resiliency and reliability. With further participation of various market players MicroGrids concept has become an opportunity but also a challenge for some traditional and regulated utilities. It all depends upon the business strategy and future sustainability for any utility as to how they take it. The current whitepaper addresses many such aspects of MicroGrids, components and characteristics, their operation, control and management with specific attention paid to microgrid opportunities for utilities through various business and operating models like DBOOM (Design, Build, Own, Operate, and Maintain) and public-private partnerships.